HR Management

HR Management

Delivering HR Management Solutions Designed for Your Business

Whether your business is in startup mode, well established, or somewhere in between, outsourcing human resources (HR) is a smart business decision. Laws and regulations are changing constantly and there’s no simple way to keep track of your core business and the ongoing responsibility of hiring, performance evaluations, staff training, preparing for open enrollment, and maintaining federal and state compliance.

Thankfully, you don’t have to manage it alone. Businesses like yours in Florida, Illinois, and California gain peace of mind and free up their overloaded schedules of redundant or complex tasks by partnering with a human resources provider like PEOPLE.

Working with PEOPLE means you’ll partner with dedicated client service professionals who know the ins and outs of HR administration.

Our HR management services include expert guidance in these critical areas.

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PEOPLE supports you in maintaining compliance with employment law through:

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HR Resources

Always on your side, and just a phone call away, PEOPLE is here to help with:

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Employment Verification

With you every step of the way, PEOPLE handles:

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Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI)

As your complete business administration partner, PEOPLE provides full support in this vital area of your business.

Running a business is complicated enough without having to be an HR expert. It’s time to have a partner who is.